by webspec_admin | Jun 13, 2019
MRC provided equity like loans to CMC for the building of an environmentally sustainable steel manufacturing facility in Durant, Oklahoma. The new mill supports over 300 jobs in a severely distressed census tract with a 13.1% unemployment rate. The site is located...
by webspec_admin | Jun 13, 2019
MRC provided equity like loans to Fiberight for the acquisition and installation of equipment at its facility in rural Lawrenceville, Virginia, a community of approximately 1,400 people. Fiberight’s innovative method of transforming waste into advanced biofuels...
by webspec_admin | May 21, 2019
Crosstown Rendering 1 MRC provided an equity like loan for preservation and redevelopment of the historic Sears Crosstown building in Memphis, TN, into a mixed-use redevelopment, featuring a wide range of uses. The Project includes approximately 1,000,000 net rentable...
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